Picocosmographia by William Van Hecke

Finished in 2002

There are 5 items here.

Xenosaga エピソード I 力への意志

Finished: 2002-04-22
Started: 2002-03-04
Platform: PlayStation 2
Status: Finished

The announcement of a new Xeno game marked my first phase of fervent video game geekery. I ended up teaming with some folks online to create a guide and script translation.


Finished: 2002
Started: 2002
Platform: Dreamcast
Status: Finished

A personal account of my experiences with Sakura Taisen.

An article about the series that I wrote for HG101.

サクラ大戦2 君、死にたもうことなかれ

Finished: 2002
Started: 2002
Platform: Dreamcast
Status: Finished


Finished: 2002
Started: 2002
Platform: Dreamcast
Status: Finished

サクラ大戦4 ~恋せよ乙女~

Finished: 2002
Started: 2002
Platform: Dreamcast
Status: Finished